
Welcome to WrestleRank, the ultimate platform for pro wrestling fans to rank the wrestlers they love and love to hate.

Vote for your Fave Five wrestlers and see how they rank up against others, or downvote wrestlers you think are overrated.

Join the community today and contribute with your votes now!

– People power!

How it works

Anyone can sign up and become a member for free. Each member gets 5 votes to distribute every 3 days. You can choose to spend all of them at once or distribute them throughout the week. The reset occurs every 3 days, regardless of how many votes you spend in the cycle. Give your points to whoever impressed you in the week and see how they move up and down the rankings.

Click the in a wrestler's card to add a point to their score. Click the to remove a point.

Wrestlers are ranked by their total score – the total sum of up and down votes.

Toggling the popularity filter sorts wrestlers by the total number of votes they've received. The controversy filter sorts wrestlers by the controversy factor, putting wrestlers with similar numbers of up and down votes at the top.

Listed are all active wrestlers from the WWE roster and AEW roster. Can't find a wrestler? Use the search bar at the top of the page to quickly find them and their rank.

Think someone is missing? Contact us or DM us on X!

Future Plans

This is an ongoing project. The following are some things on the to-do list:

  • add wrestlers from other promotions like NJPW & Impact
  • build the arena (still under wraps what this will be)
  • build a more robust voting system

Have suggestions? Contact us and let us know what features you would like to see added! You can also stay updated on X @wrestlerankx

Appreciate the work and want to keep this project running? Share with your friends! The more people voting, the better it gets.

– Created by @elozawi